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2001-09-10 - 5:08 p.m.


My Hero fixed the drains!!!After pouring 20+ down the utility drain and finally having it not drain at all, when the rental opened, 800 brought a motorized rooter, took a plug off the wall and ran the big wire in about 100 feet. Whatever was there was cleaned out and now everything is back to normal. That means CHAOS. A good excuse to thoroughly clean the downstairs because I must.

I realize more and more that when my knee was so bad, I did as little as possible in order to survive at work. Now that I am much better, little jobs that got done on a regular basis before pain no longer get done. I must start in again.

Found some new journals through links on Autumn Leaves. There really are folks out there like me, along with some really interesting notlikemes. If my conscience didn't start bothering me, I think I could spend 8 hours a day in this chair just drifting around not only to journals but all kinds of interesting sites.

The frustrating thing about reference books to me, has been they never told enough to satisfy my curiosity. The internet always has the possiblity of one link with one more tiny shred of information. I think I would have made a good paralegal researching esoteric bits of facts for cases.

I wonder how many people really know what they would have liked to do in life and how many just settled for what was available. When I was in school, the options seemed to be secretary, nurse or teacher, none of which had much appeal. Archaeology, geology, and even forestry seemed interesting but not ever possible in my life. Journalism was a possibility but not for one in my circumstances. In the small towns of the West where I grew up, roles for females were quite limited and rigid.

Not that I'm against those roles. If a woman has children, and a husband, a career or even a very demanding job need to be on the back burner. There is not much room in the beginning of a marriage or family for a career. Too many things get swept under the rug or we kill ourselves trying to be Wonderwoman. I don't regret the lack of achievement in a job in my life. I've had a good time in whatever spot I've been in.


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