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2001-09-11 - 11:53 a.m.


Autumn Leaves and I are having a ver-r-r-y strange relationship. I click on a site, and look at the screen waiting for a window to pop up, after 4-5 seconds I realize the name of the site has appeared in the Start bar so I mouse it and the window opens. When I finish there, I mouse the Autumn Leaves icon in the Start bar, choose the next site and repeat the 4-5 second wait before noticing the new site icon in the Start bar.

I wonder how many 4-5 seconds I have lost in the last few days and how long it will take before I learn!!! I am hoping that recording the facts here will sink them into my memory. That is the kind of learner I am..showme doesn't work, notes do. Then I am safe as long as I can find my notes. My memory in showme often doesn't last, especially if I haven't done something for a while, but I can follow my notes to eternity.

If fact, that is what I am doing, isn't it! I'm in good company anyway..DL Moody said, "I have staked my life and future hopes on this old Book. If It goes down, so do I." That is what makes a believer. We are all believers in something. I have just chosen my something to be God and His Book.

As I think about showme vs notes, I realize that is how I absorb almost all the knowledge I have. The written word is what I follow. I can follow written instructions implicitly to success, but have trouble following verbals. I read once that is the big difference between male and female learning. Males tend to learn in a showme or story situation. Look back at the old ways before the printing press. Men sat around the council fire telling their stories, the young men and boys listening carefully.

As I talked with d once, I emphasized the importance of just shutting his mouth and listening instead of entering every conversation and getting in trouble. I've always hated sitting visiting with a friend and having her children hanging on every word. It's not that anything bad is being said, it's just that explanation constantly has to be made and filtered for youth. Finally one just doesn't visit there anymore. That was experienced at g's. D finally 'got' it this year and I have seen him come forth with things I know he's been listening to by the council fires. 2d told him also that if one is quiet as a mouse, old 'uns will talk about interesting things.

Some people cannot receive things throught the printed page. I noticed this my first year at CCS, with the Fowler boy. He could not find any answers in the workbooks unless we read it out loud first. I had recently read an article in the Mother Earth News by Paul and Anne Erlich(?) about this phenomenon(now why did I choose to use a word I cannot spell?) They attributed it to a new generation that had spent much time in front of the TV even tho it may have been good TV. They related this generation's visual learning to a study of a Stone Age tribe in the Far East. It was noticed that these people could not 'see' anything in pictures.(animals are like this also) As these people were taught and studied, they gained the ability to see images in pictures.

As I worked with children in the LC that had reading problems, we would read the information out loud, and I encouraged them to read to themselves out loud quietly. It was very successful. The children I tutored(d too) also did this, while I helped them figure out some phonics rules. This usually worked. These issues may also have much to do with right and left brain learning.

When a person figures out which way they learn, They can get a head start on the subject at hand. I knew in the Algebra class last year that the stories and scenarios were not going to be effective for me so I took copious notes and did much extra book work. I got a 99% because I already knew how I could learn the best.

When a situation arose in seg last week, I realized that these very good techs that took over on days were showme learners and while they knew their jobs very well, they had difficulty following the paper trail left by the preceeding shifts. This will be a help to me in the future.


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