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2001-09-12 - 9:59 a.m.

deep as a dollar bill

I'm about as deep as a dollar bill. I feel almost no urge to write about the World Trade Center even after watching alot of it on TV yesterday. Even 1d called to let me know the US may have bombed Kabul, ans she is usually the most laid back one. I felt badly for the hurt but shed no tears, expressed no rage to retaliate. In fact, my first response was to fill the tub with water.

Many of the journallers I read have expressed the feelings America is feeling, and very well. Have I seared my emotions with 'Independence Day', 'Executive Decision', 'Armageddon', and other such fiction? I also keep thinking this event will be nothing compared to what Revelation depicts. D was worried enough about it to feel even sicker at his stomach and want to change the subject and e thought those bad people who did it should be spanked.


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