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2001-09-09 - 4:21 p.m.


Disaster struck last night as I was dressing for work. Bath water all over the downstairs!!! In the morning, water had overflowed out the utility room drain, from (I thought) the simultaneous emptying of the washing machine and upstairs use of water. 2d and I cleaned it up quickly and then went with 800 to o's storage sale. Then 2d and I went to clean FBC, then home to bed for me around 6. 2d was taking a bubble bath before I got up at 11 and it went all over the utility, family room, hall, bathroom floor. I called in tardy and both of us vacuumed up soapy water for 2 hours. 800 went in and got some liquid plumber right before store closed and we applied that before I left for work.

I was so tired all shift. Never did catch up with all my duties and when I got home, drain still clogged tight, but draining a bit. Applied crystal Drano everywhere and went to church dirty except for a WAC bath. Good service as usual. Invited O out for dinner with 1d and family by invitation of 2d. Then to store for more drain stuff. No luck yet. May have to call in a professional for this. But Miss Scarlett says she'll think about this tomorrow when she is better rested.

If she would go to bed instead of doing her journal thing, tomorrow might come a little sooner.

I feel myself spiraling down into another time when I would rather read than do anything else including writing.

Got another Dunnett book on ebay the 7th of the Niccolo series. Guess I shall have to get the set and read the first one and continue. I got bored last tiime and quit. Actually I got in over my head in the one about Constantinople. Perhaps I am more intelligent this time. Now why would I think that?


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