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2001-09-07 - 3:28 p.m.

once more into the breach

oh-oh! I think we're going to put siding on the house, which will include new patio and front door and new windows. Father, show us through this. I have so enjoyed having no house payments, but my new upgrade will just about cover it for the first 5 years and maybe it can be paid off in that time. I sure hope so as my SS isn't going to be very much and 800 spends his on birds.

I know it needs to be done and with power going up, pluses will be economy and conservation, but oh-my!

I am really enjoying Autumn Leaves. New journals to explore. How can people survive who do not like to read. Of course, I know first hand that it has always been a compulsion with me. I wonder how such compulsions start and where the seeds begin. I do think I have improved over the years though. There was a time when I was compelled to finish every book I started. That made me read alot of books that weren't very entertaining but it did give me an excellent judgment for good writing and plotting.

Now if a book seems to drag, I'll often read the last few pages to see if it is heading in a direction I want to end up in. If not, back it goes into the box under the bed until the next trip to the library. I often put books there that turn trashy or occult or too gory.

I am reading the new Dick Francis book Shattered. It is good! Much like his early ones. The last few have not been as good as the earlier ones altho To The Hilt was engrossing.

One of the ebay sellers has struck up a correspondence with 2d. Boghall sells Dorothy Dunnett books and has piqued 2d's interest in them. She has asked me to get out my set of the Lymond books for her to try. After reading them each decade since 69, I finally understood most of the little subtleties(sp-that looks funny spelled out-another spelling by the seat of pants foray-that is happening more often. I wonder if I will lose my spelling and grammar skills as I age) Boy, am I wandering off the subject. Or did I have a subject?

I think it is time to hit the hay.


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