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2001-10-01 - 1:37 p.m.


I'm a little blue right now. Started off excited about being 60 this month. Felt good about that. Of course I have been calling myself 60 all year. Kind of practicing like I do each year so that when the actual day comes, it won't be such a shock. So what has made me blue?

One. 1d and family may move to McC and soon. The opportunity will be great and it would mean a new start for their family in so many areas. And I'm glad but -o how I shall miss them. That is 2 hours past 3s and i have only been to his place once. I am not a traveller. I must think of the positive points for them. Help me, Father.

Two. 2d has been hurt by g. I knew it would happen and so did she but this involved her telling other people that 2d had done her wrong, and 2d was told about this. Naturally, peacemaker that she was, she tried to make things right, but it can't be done in circumstances like this. Guilty people do not want things right, they want things ok'd. In the meantime, 2d hasn't told me yet, only 1d. I hope she feels free to talk to me about it, but I know she feels too tender about it right now. So I must pretend it hasn't happened. Please give me the grace to keep my mouth shut. I'm perturbed by the surrounding personalities. I realize well that we are always outsiders. I don't really know why that always is, but it always is. And usually I don't care. You are our suffiency and have always been so.

Three. I'm lonely for rain. I know full well it won't rain much if any here this fall. It never does. But how I long for grey damp days where the rain drizzles down the windows, and drips off the roof. The puddles in the driveway make walking a hopscotch affair, and the drops fall on my upturned face as I walk out to the car, and into work.

I felt that a few weeks back for a short time. As I left work in the morning to go to the car, the rain fell slowly. With outstretched arms, I greeted it and turned my face up to catch each drop. An onlooker would have thought me weird, and they would be correct. By the time, I got up for the day, the rain was over.

Do the next thing. That is always the the best for me. LATER Thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU!!!2d talked to me about last nite when she got home to teach and again when she had space between lessons. It was a hurtful event, but she has balanced it out with what she felt You wanted her to do in the situation. Your Word in I Corinthians 13 says 'love forbears all things' and it has been said to mean 'bury in silence'. That is a good thing to do, but I just want to praise You for Your goodness to 2d and me. Thank You for all the strengths You have built in her. Thank you for taking the lessons I taught her and making them real in her even when they weren't real in me sometimes. Thank You for giving her wisdom and kindness and for making her a peacemaker. Bless her in this gift.


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