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2001-10-02 - 12:26 p.m.


Two things stand out from all I have read on the web from 9-11. The eagle's head superimposed over the twin tower skyline with the Statue of Liberty in the foreground and the statement '6000 people did not die on the 11th, one person died 6000 times'. I had to think a while about that statement and then I realized each death is unique and we often lose sight of that in big disasters. Do You see that, as You watch us go off into eternity with out salvation? I know You do--"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". Whosoever-that is one person. You note the sparrow's fall and number the hairs on my head, so how could each death be any less noticed by You?

1d seems excited by her move. I know she is apprehensive also. A single parent with only her for d and e to depend on. 800 took us to some weird places with very little to go on, but he always had a babysitter, house straightener, cook, etc. to share. 1d has no one but You. Now, isn't that just the best. That's all anyone has in the end. It will be good for her to find You strong for her without us a phone call and a few miles away.

This is another one of those giving ups for me. Here it is, Father. The jr high is only a few blocks from her work, and day care is available. Hours are from 7 to 3:30 which will be ideal. Skiing is close so d will be with others who ski also. May he find new friends and encouragements. Some things are never gong to change about him. Keeping a low profile is never going to come easy, and that will bring challenges and victories that we who know how to keep our heads down will never know.

I think the day is grey. Just looked-nope. Only here downstairs where it is chilly..

I have now gone to the ocean at bandon.com first thing each morn for over a year now. It never loses its appeal. The jetty and lighthouse cams are always new, and whether smooth and serene or wild and scary, the ocean is always there. I often think of Heaven where there is no sea except the sea of glass before the Throne. It is going to be awesome. It will have to be so far beyond my imaginings if its beauty requires no sea for completeness.

The bbs posting board is having its ups and downs. I wondered what getting 'flamed' was and now i have seen it. The little opposition I got for a couple of my posts were nothing. It usually seems to be females who get the most virulent and offended. And usually liberal females. Maybe that is the only kind that participate in that board, or at least who post.

800 took the Marquis south today to bring some birds and eggs to a client who lost his. I shall take the Lincoln to the library and to CSI to get my transcripts for my upgrade. 2d has a couple of lessons after 6 and may be home before then but I will probably be asleep by then.

Keep my chicks all safe, Lord, as they leave and live outside the nest.


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