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2001-10-04 - 10:45 a.m.

unsheer delight

I am sitting here in my flannel nightie. It is soooo nice to have it out again. It is nippy down here at the computer but I am content. Have spent way too much time here this am because I have to to riding lessons with 2d and must sleep in the daytime today. So, k, what are you doing here?

Still have to go to ebay. Got another Dick Francis for 1.99. What a great buy even with postage for an old one that I haven't read!! I must stop buying these expensive books, tho. I am more used to picking them up for 10 or 25.

I had a great time at the library this week. This is a pleasure that has endured for over 50 years. I would truly feel deprived if I were no longer able to read.

My visit to the ocean this am was also magnificent. I could barely make out the houses on the jetty cam and the light house was invisible in the fog on the other cam but I shivered with delight as I gazed at the greyness and could imagine the roar of the surf thru the dim light.

My pleasures have gotten so simple; a good book, a good snack, a good bed, a good visit with those I love, and You. You are worthy, Lord.


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