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2001-10-06 - 10:51 a.m.


Saw such an unusual thing yesterday when I was leaving work walking out to the car. Geese were flying south in big v's. The sea gulls were wheeling around me at a lower level. Many had been feeding on the stray potatoes from the plant.

Suddenly I noticed an anomaly in the sky. One lone goose flying back and forth but consistently north, directly away from the rest of the flock. Where was it going? I think it must have been looking for its mate. Geese mate for life and when one dies, the other is quite bereft. I wonder if hunters, even my hunters, think of that. This goose's mate may have been slower for some reason and fell out of the group they were with. Or it may have met with a disaster.

In any case, a lone goose was making its way obviously looking for something. This really touched my heart. The faithfulness of animals puts us humans to shame sometimes.

This is real Saturday. 1d has decided to wait a week to move. She described more of what their future will be, and I think more and more it will be a good thing. D met 3 boys in the pizza place and was immediately welcomed and bade to look them up when he came back. 3s has plans to get a boat to cruise the big lake and 1d has plans to go back up this week and look at a couple of houses to rent, not just perch in an apartment. I'll miss them so much, but I'll be well content if it turns out so. Make it so, please, Lord.

2d and I have to clean the church today. It will be nice to spend some time visiting with her. Soon the snow will come and she will be busier yet.


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