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2001-10-09 - 11:15 a.m.

birthday memories

The scene: blue night tones of a rocky coast lit by a fingernail moon shining on low sea rocks tipping out of a heavy surface mist. Inside: Mom-I just wanted you to know that I love you very much, even when I don't say it, and sometimes don't act like it much. Thank you for being an example and encouragement to me in my life. There are more and more times as the days progress that I see bits of you in what I do and say! Thank you for reminding me that God's will and Word are the most important things in a person's life, and thank you for being faithful to place Him before my eyes in every aspect. Much love 2d. PS Happy Birthday. Occasion: my 60th birthday

I cried twice on my birthday. First, when 1d was exasperated that, since 800 had opted out of eating out with us and disappeared, we were going to finish cooking dinner at home. She was feeling pushed to get packed and figured it would be simpler to eat in a restaurant.

It upset 2d because she was disappointed that 800 had left too. He came back about time 1d got back from buying a cake(she insisted we have one) She ran into him at the Stinker station talking to the fat girl and told him we weren't eating out. We had roast quail I'd put in the oven before church then took out after and filled the roasting dish with noodles in the broth. Had candied baby carrots, green salad, too. It was all good. 800 commented on it also which never happens in a good meal only the bad ones.

1d and d and e got me a green heather tone v-neck sweater with black and smoky blue zigzags actoss the chest and some fall resin figures. A wheel barrow with squirrels and leaves, a box of leaves and rakes, and more squirrels and a bigger one of an orange colored tree with more squirrels. A very fallish collection so after dinner, I got out the basket with Indian corn, popcorn gloves, and turkey for the centerpiece of the table for fall. 800 gave me a Nocona billfold perfect for keeping my money and coupons in. I had been using bank envelopes which I would repair with scotchtape over and over again

2d got me a yellow shirt with the Angry Bluebird from National Wildlife on it. Before there was only a suncatcher or picture with the Angry Bluebird on them. The photographer had not allowed any other use of this picture for years. I'm so glad to have the t shirt. I love the cranky expression on the Bluebird. It's me!!

Then when I awakened in the wee hours of the morn as usual, there was the card by my bed(second tears). A very satisfactory birthday even with its ups and downs. I learned over the years not to have holiday expectations but just to go with the flow and rock with the punches. I think it is called being flexible and since I learned it long ago I am not so bothered with inflexibility as some seniors are.

1d and kids are in Mcc today, enrolling d in school. They are getting excited and so am I. I shall change my days off in the winter so I can get off Sat am and go up to visit. Especially if 2d wants to ski that weekend too. Since I shall be laid off nest week for 2, perhaps I shall go up then and help settle in. Dreams Dreams Dreams

I bookmarked several Mcc sites and a downtown web cam or 2, so I can visit them too. I am so pathetic. It takes so little to soothe me. I have been having trouble writing lately. Not because I have nothing to say, but because I spend so much time reading what others say, and following one rabbit track after another. Then it gets so late, I feel guilty or have to go to bed to be sure to get enough sleep for evening outings before work, or do some upstairs house work.


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