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2001-10-10 - 11:00 a.m.


I won't be spending next week in Mcc. Our shutdown has been postponed until Thursday because we need more batter product and preform. That will be good for the pocketbook but 1d was hoping I'd be able to watch e until she found a daycare. That also cuts me out of unemployment but my daily wage is more so that is ok.

Tonight is Bible study. Help me, Father. I want to do what You want me to do. Since g pulled her little stunt on 2d, I'm a little reluctant to be around. 'Do whatever you want to me but don't touch my kids.' My personal credo. It is tempting to chop her up into little pieces verbally, and would be so easy to do. After all, that was always a great skill for me, and besides; I know where all the bodies are buried. But---But--that is not loving, kind, Christlike, dozens of other things it is not like that You have been building into me for 38 years so give me grace and help me bury in silence.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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