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2001-10-11 - 10:53 a.m.


It's raining hard and has been doing so since about 6am! It is wonderful!! I shall open the curtains as I go to bed and go to sleep in the grey rain.

Had a wonderful afternoon and evening. 3s stopped by on his way hunting. He had bought a new Dodge Ram 2500 dark blue with silver bottom. Really nice. He couldn't be outdone by little sis. He said when she came up to see him the first time in her new pickup she told him he had a nice little pickup(his green Dakota) and now he was going to say that to her. What she replied left me amazed and I may say something to her. She told him he must have had pickup envy. I don't think she knew what that phrase might have related to. Knowing her, if she had known the phrase, she wouldn't have mentioned it in front of dad and bro.

3s stayed for supper. I had fixed elk patties with mushroom soup and canned mushrooms and mayo, spinach noodles, squash with butter and brown sugar, sliced tomatoes, and cottage cheese with mandarin oranges and pineapple. 800 and I ate a helping and 3s cleaned up everything except 4 small tomato slices. He said he never gets homecooked any more even when he home cooks it.

He likes the new part of his job. Goes to IF twice a week, staying overnight company paid and with 2 meals a day provided. They match whatever he puts in 401k plus one more percent, plus he has good med benefits. He and 2s both have done well for themselves. 2s is in Wisconsin this week at ammonia school. He gets to go each year to some such school with the company credit card. He told of hiring a car the year it was in New York. Naturally he had his cowboy hat. Must have looked like McCloud! He did not like driving in the metropolis and now takes cabs when he goes.

All in all, it was a very satisfactory Wednesday and my puzzle about fbc was taken care of by circumstances. Considering my attitude about g, it may have been a way of escape. 'There has no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man. But God, with the temptation, will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.' You have sent me many ways of escape down thru the years, some I didn't even recognize at the time. Thank You.


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