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2001-10-16 - 1:19 p.m.


I'm happy. Nothing is especially great in my life right now, in fact there are several ungreat parts. But I'm still happy. I guess that is because I have peace. Peace is the greatest thing I could hope for my children. If I could leave them that in my will, or give them that for Christmas or birthdays, I would.

The only way I know to have peace is to have the Prince of Peace. The only way I know for my children to have peace is for them to know the Prince of Peace. All I can do is lay out the recipe, and pray they will mix it up and eat. You made this such an individual act. You have no grandchildren, only children ...and whosoever will, may come.

Saturday was a great day, but all I did was sleep. All my chicks went to tf to shop at Costco and eat at the Prime Cut together. They all had a good time. My good time was knowing about theirs. That is cuz I am lazy.

1d may not be moving away after all. Day care up there was 550 a month, so she rethought it. d wanted to go to school there badly, and thought things would be lots different, and they may have been so. But perhaps not. I am glad not to have to go up there. It would be a long drive. I must find ways to help them here.

Finally all my papers are in for my upgrade. Just in time for lay off. I will go in tonite and tomorrow nite and then be off for 10 or so days, I think.


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