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2001-10-17 - 11:28 a.m.


'Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about things, small minds talk about people'. 2d told me that last night. Sure is a conversation stopper. Of course, then she went on to tell me that she had gossiped with cs about g. She is such a silent child in this area, I knew she was still hurting about the dumping. She would still like to help s, but that is beating a dead horse. Divorce separates a lot more than a man and woman. I thank You, Lord, that you have prevented me from walking down that road. Sometimes You have had to put up some pretty big detours!

We are not shutting down tonite. Maybe Saturday, maybe not. I need to make an earnest attempt at going to Bible study tonite. It has been easy to find excuses to stay home. I loved going with 2d but find it hard to go alone. I am not very social, but that is not the purpose. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I have studied Your Word for 37 years, and listened to great expositions of it, and have lived with a man who knows it well and has spoken it out in every area of life. Other than new styles of delivery and new illustrations, my reception is not one of a new thing, but a living out of what I know. That is actually harder than learning somethng new.

'Renew unto me the joy of my salvation' My joy is there, but I find my appetite is jaded. A starvation diet is great for the appetite, but sometimes harmful to the body(B) I really need to have a steady nutritious diet for sound steady growth.

'Thy Words were found, and I did eat them, and they were the joy and rejoicing of my heart'


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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