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2001-10-22 - 1:40 p.m.


This is a lazy day. I havedone nothing constructive. Will pick up d at school in an hour or so. They have settled into their apt again. 1d is working 12 hour shifts 3 days a week and taking extra shifts at the same place she used to. d hated going back to school here and got hassled the first week, but good came out of it. When 800 heard of it, he gave d the old pep talk about them getting a steak, but you getting a pound of hamburger meanwhile. d took it to heart, and when the hassle started again, he waded in with flying fists and won. Surprised him as well.

800 and w went hunting at 6. Hopes it works out well for both. We can't lose since if it works out badly, much insight will be gained. If it works out well, we will be comfortable.

I finally got laid off Sat am. Only til next Tues nite, but the time will be nice. Perhaps I shall get some cleaning of downstairs and garage done. Nah, who am I kidding? But I may get the deck put away for the winter, and the lawn mowed once more.

Revival meeting starts next week. It is odd to see the church in action. As I have always known, there is no great line to attend a fundamental, separated Bible church here. Even less so than 20 years ago, but that is alright. A plumb line doesn't have to be followed by everyone, it is enough just to be there for us to line our lives with. When the plumb line is not there, one's own line may be straighter than many but not necessarily in line with the plumb. I thank You for a plumb line. Two very necessary tools...a plumbline and a nail in a sure place.


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