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2001-10-23 - 11:47 a.m.


I have a wonderful collection of friends. These are mostly one-sided friendships, but that is ok. I refer to the journals I read. What an eclectic group of people, and how different from me in many respects. I used to think 'kindred spirits' were the only choices, but I have found there are many with whom I can celebrate differences without accepting lifestyles, or philosophies. It is good to see what a kind atheist thinks about, so I may understand that side of the road. It is good to read the anguish of a pacifist, so I may feel our sameness instead of only noting our differences. I shall never accept many of these ideas, and I long for everyone to find the freedom in You I have found, but I can still say, 'You are human, you feel sorrow, laugh at jokes, watch beautiful sunsets, cry when when you hurt, and love your pets'. I don't think this threatens my doctrine. In fact, I think it strengthens my likeness to You. You loved the world so much that You sent Your only Son to give them eternal life.


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