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2001-09-29 - 8:11 p.m.

food storage

Talk about storing food today. I have my own stash. I've always tried to have some stored up. In Wilbur, when we got paid once a month, I bought cans of veggies by the case, 6 for a dollar. At the end of the month, with no money left, we were glad for cans of vegetable to make stew.

Once we were so broke, we had pancakes for several days. I would put a can of creamed corn in the batter and we'd have corn cakes. That sounds good,I shall try it soon.

When we went to Bible school at Prairie, we took cases of veggies and canned milk to last through the no job times. My current baby always had milk, whether we had money or not and I learned how to make a good stew with little meat. I guess poverty is what started me at storage. Then when money was more plentiful, it seemed good stewardship to buy in bulk to save money.

My grocery bills have always been smaller than friends because of the sale buying. I bought alot during the months leading up to Y2K. Good sales and down here by the computer, there are still cases stacked up. As I use them up I still seem to have replaced them with more sales. The 'just in case' of Y2K has been very comforting. When lots of company comes, or layoffs happen, I walk downstairs and have a meal planned soon. 2s brings me order slips from Kraft and I stock up on those products too. Buying good mayo for 79 cents is only wise to get a case.

I really don't worry too much about feeding my family even if the away ones come home in an emergency. I think we would be ok for several months, summer or winter. Batteries, matches and other things might be a problem, but old times did without and so could we.

Even with these safeguards, I realize always that You are the One who keeps me safe. My times(and those I love) are in Thy Hands. And I am content and complete.


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