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2001-08-24 - 12:10 p.m.

a visitor

j dropped by after a yard sale next door. She is a nice gal, and g's latest pickup.

sounded like she is aware of some friends being users, also. 2d got dropped last week. Took much less time than me. Does that mean she is smarter than me or dumber? Anyway, I am the new riding lesson goer, which I don't mind at all. When it is a work nite, I just have to get enough day sleep.

That red rascal dumped her when they rode outside. My brave one isn't discouraged(outwardly) just more determined to win. That is the attitude that will win this battle. I'm sure it was embarassing to go down in front of teacher, teacher's overbearing and much better riding wife, and experienced young rider chick but that is always God's was of keeping 2d humble. She is so talented, pretty, wise,etc etc etc (this is mommy speaking after all) that she could get insufferable fast.

I shall get a teeny paycheck in the mail today. I shall run and cash it fast and plan how to eke it out till the next one. Actually I shall get 220 from unemployment next week and then the week after that, another teeny work one. Then back to normal. Lord, keep emergencies and calamities away. When they do come, You are always there for me, providing either physical needs or spiritual endurance. I can't lose!!!

When I consider how hopeless lives are without You as a Saviour, I am speechless. Let me never be arrogant about my salvation. There is nothing in me that was worth the shedding of your blood as payment of my sin. Even my coming to You was a gift, the Spirit drawing me. Pretty humbling to think about.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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