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2001-08-23 - 9:43 a.m.

doggy tales

Having dog problems again. Wish I knew what to do without hurting the animals or humiliating myself. Animals need to be kept at home and good fences make good neighbors. Those are 2 true things. I have a whole bunch of true things that I know. Maybe I should write them down.

Good Bible Study last nite as usual. Finished the book of Jude. One down, 65 to go. My entry was so short yesterday. It is not hardly worth the trouble to end up just writing 2 short paragraphs.

Bandon.com was awesome yesterday. Waves big and white, pounding up from the jetties, and running up the river. Wonder if I'll ever just sit in front of a window, drinking something hot, watching the surf through the rain dribbling down the window pane, a fire burning in the hearth, a cat curled on the rug in front of the warm fire. Maybe I can find a video.

I already decided that about touring Britain or Ireland. A video is much nicer than soaking my feet at the end of a bus ride. I am such a loser. My dreams are so easily exchanged for something simpler or cheaper. "Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart". Maybe what He really gives is acceptance of what is possible. Amy Carmichael wrote a poem titled Acceptance that says it well.

After all the other strivings, none of which end in peace---only in acceptance, lieth peace.

Emi gave me her baby to hold in Bible Study. It was such a good baby, lying quietly on my shoulder. It smelled of peppermint and was so soft. Nothing like Emi only 3 years ago. I think I like baby dolls!

1d lost her job. She can draw unemployment for 6 months or go back to work there in Sept. on 12 hour shifts. They restructured because of low census and gave the paper work to the RN in charge. They may miss 1s as paper work is her forte and I think she is the one who helped them get a perfect state inspection. However God knows what He has in store for her. Perhaps she wil find something out of the area. That might be a good thing for her but I will miss them so much. One more turning loose. I'm not very good at that.


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