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2001-08-25 - 9:10 a.m.


It's early Saturday. 800 has gone to get birds and take them to someone else while he gets feed. I hear 2d upstairs. Perhaps we will go to the next door neighbor's yard sale. Yesterday they sold a saddle to another neighbor at the sale for $25.

I was heartsick but then remembered our times are in Your hands. You Who know how many hairs are on my head, also know whether that saddle was for us. That probably seems like fatalism to a nonbeliever and perhaps to some believers as well, but it is the core of my faith. If I believe in an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God, it is easy to believe He is involved in each detail of my life.

Joke: What do dead atheists, dead agnostics and dead Christians all have in common? They all know there is a God

That was in the BC comic strip. Johnny Hart has a boldness that gets him in trouble at times. The menorah at Easter offended many who thought he was being anti-Semitic. If They only knew how we who love the Lord love His Chosen People, and all the lessons He has taught us through their lives....

1d has gone to b for the weekend. She and the kids will check out living conditions in Emmett, rent, day care, etc. She has a job offer there, $1000 signup, help with moving. How fearful I am for them and me! I would miss them so much, and yet I know it could be the best thing. A new start, a clean house, a faith of their own.

I am fearful because I'm not believing You, Father. The One Who loves her and the grands so much more than I ever could. "I believe, Lord, help Thou my unbelief". Lots of times I don't feel very mature. Avoidance, where are you? Quick, change the subject!!!


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