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2001-08-26 - 6:49 p.m.


Remember the teeny paycheck I was getting. I was going to cash it fast and plan how to eke it out. I lied.

I didn't run and cash it and I didn't plan how to eke it out. But as 2d said, I did "eeeeeek" the check was for $1.91!!!!!! I knew it would be teeny, but that teeny? Of course, a big hunk went in the credit union, but since I already drew so much out so often for the funeral and all in August, it will likely cost me 1.00 each time to withdraw more.

That is the problem with being Scots as well as Irish. Constant war. If I have to withdraw some and pay 1.00(Scots) I'm going to get alot(Irish)

Anyway, I laughed and laughed. At my age, lots of things aren't worth getting bent out of shape for.

Great service today. Hebrews 10--He will come and not tarry. He's not late. He's not waiting for a friend to get saved, or a prophecy to be fulfilled. The Father knows when He will come and when that day rolls around, He will come, ready or not!!!!

KB sat with us today. 1d and kids still gone, and she is alone. Her husband is on long haul and daughter and family back east. She and daughter much like me and 1d and 2d. I know how she must be grieving and how alone she must feel.

I remember when 3 were at PBI, I felt so alone, even with 2s and 2d here. Most of my identity(mom) was gone. Talk about the empty nest.

That's when I decided I had better get ready for eternity. I wasn't going to be a mom up there. I had better find out who I was now and get her ready.

Do I know yet? Nope. Am I getting close to knowing? Who knows. Me has changed so many times, it's hard to tell. Some things have never changed..my love of reading, my interest in observing people, my compassion for animals. But even those have changed flavors.

I need to think about the flavor thing somemore. But I'm bidding on ebay for a Dorothy Dunnett Companion book. I so hope I get it. Full of info on the historical background of the Lymond books, and the French quotes I never quite could translate. Also hoping to get some more Don Blanding poetry, Dick Francis early ones to fill my collection, and Dust-the CD by the folks who did Titanic. Is it any wonder I don't know who I am yet? PS I got the DD book for 20.00 plus postage in an adrenalin raising down to the wire bidding war-----then discovered I could have gotten it for 12 plus 4 shipping at Amazon. I am sooooo pathetic.


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