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2001-08-28 - 5:02 p.m.


Just going thru the list of people in the 'christian' diaryring. I wonder what qualifications most people think define Christian. Is it just answering a couple of questions, is it for a fire escape, is it because we live in a Christian nation?

It must be a great surprise to some to find out what God wants to do in our lives if we have accepted His Son as our Saviour. According to Romans 8, His plan is to conform or pattern us to His Son. He wants us to look and act like Jesus. He realizes and tells us in the Bible that He doesn't expect perfection this side of Heaven, but He does expect us to be going in the right direction. When we don't, should it come as some great surprise if all doesn't work out well?

If we aren't heading in the right direction and all seems to be going well, it would be even 'weller' to examine ourselves to see if we really are in the faith. So ---what is the right direction? It seems to me that if we are to be like Jesus, then the first thing is to find out what Jesus is like and what He does to please the Father.

O----my brain is dizzy trying to think deep thoughts.

On a lighter note, it has been a busy day, and will get busier yet, as this day won't end until 8 tomorrow morning. Yes, I go back to work tonite. Packed my new backpack, trying to get rid of some weight. It always turns out just like my purse. Cannot live without everything.

Have to pick up a cake at grocery, and take to FBC for A's shower tonite. 2d will be late, as she has a vile instrument(her name for her violin) lesson. I tried to mow the lawn today but the muffler fell off and 800 was unable to get the repair to function. We will try again tomorrow or Thursday.

Had a successful time on ebay today. 2 CD games I have wanted for a long time were up for a 'buy now' for just 2 more than the opening bid so I just ordered them. Dust has been unavailable everywhere I have looked. I hope it will be as engrossing as Titanic. Titanic-The Last Mission was also available--just a mini-game of the long one but totally different. I look forward to it. Titanic is the only game I've ever enjoyed--Myst was too hard for this old lady, and the others are too occultic flavored for my taste.

I got one more, I think, but I'm having a senior moment and can't remember. I had better prepare for the bridal shower now.



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