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2001-09-01 - 8:10 p.m.


Slept 7 hours so far today. When I get done with this entry I'm trying for some more!!! Yep, I'm working again and it's my Friday. Been so tired all week and with three nights of not going to bed at 5 pm (shower, Bible study and riding lessons) my schedule is shot.

Bad thing at riding lessons. Teacher's wife came to arena half way through lesson calling something in funny voice. Teacher took off, we 3, 2d, t, and me,looked around for a minute or so. I went outside and saw ex mrs g going around trailer. Recognized calls had been 'daddy-daddy' and thought there had been an accident at cow places. Nope, mr g had a heart attack while arguing with brother on phone. We went up to trailer and saw him lying on floor. He was dead. 2d had cpr instruction as ski patrol and wondered if she should do it on mr g but family said teacher had tried so she took pulse and checked breathing. He was gone.

We went back to arena, and emts arrived. They did nothing and all waited for more authorities. So we went home. Mr g was 64 but had smoked, drank and otherwise lived. Had had 5 shunts already and everyone had been warned time left was limited.

2d thought much about being unable to revive him and tell him of salvation, but those are thoughts we have to have while there is still time.

I may write more on this later, as we thought and discussed this much the next 2 days.


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