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2001-09-03 - 1:28 p.m.

labour day

All the kids gone to Easley's. Hope they find a campspace. They should be home today. Fbc was great as usual. Only 13 of us there which seemed a bit discouraging to Pastor but if only he really knew how much more we want to be with 13 than with the crowds we could have chosen and have chosen in the past.

This is a mission church and while it is humbling to be thought of as a missionee(?) I'm glad to have a home. I've been in Laodicea for so long, the church of the people. I want a theocracy for a church, not a democracy.

I am now registered on ebay. That will please 2d as I think she was a little concerned I might ruin her ebay reputation! Was finally able to get Vagabond's House by Don Blanding, which was my original goal both at Powell's and ebay. That poem has moved me ever since I was young, with its imagery. Even if some of the things in it are far from my taste and lifesyle, the rest is dreamlike.

I mentioned a senility prayer I may have read on Chattering or someplace and misquoted. I ran on to it or a form of it while sorting some juno things. -----to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to know the difference.-----I should print the whole thing. Perhaps I shall someday.

I had better get outside and feed the wild bunny all the carrots I was supposed to the last 3 days!!!


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