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Saturday, Dec. 18, 2004 - 11:17 a.m.

Burn-out ~~~family pic in edit

I have had no desire to communicate lately. Have to make myself go to town to fulfil any townly duties. Maybe I communicated myself out while completing classes this semester. I have 'A' in all my classes this semester. Doing all the bonuses worked in the class I least understood. Well, I understand alot of it. The geology of earthquakes, volcanoes, wastage, glaciers, water and much else is mine, but I still can't identify rocks. All the details are mine, the 3 types, how they are formed, at what temps they cool and what minerals are precipitated out of which, but when it comes down to looking at a rock and labelling it, I am still pretty much out in left field.

The Power Point presentation my team did was awesome. I did very little of it, besides providing the paper from which it was written. One member outlined the paper (truly a monumental task, because I don't have much of an outline, just free form) another did the actual Power Point. I wonder if I can put it here. I'll try.

Nope, I don't see any way to put the PPT here that I know about. I'll just post a picture instead.

Christmas is almost nonexistent this year. We won't have anybody here Christmas morning to come in lined up to open presents. I haven't gotten any decorations out, not even the singing Santa or the fiber optic tree. 2d brought over a very unusual poinsettia that she had to purchase from a student. Her kitty wouldn't leave it alone, and she was afraid the cat would eat some of it and be poisoned. I told her I could kill it just as easily as I do any of my plants. And sure enough, it has dropped alot of its leaves already.

I gave each of the kids a $100 bill in a card, and each of the grands a $50. I'll send my lil sis a card, and that will be all the modern Christmasing I shall do. I won't be going to the meal at church, and I won't be baking anything. So far, I haven't minded a bit. I did think about making some Amen salsa and giving each kid a quart before New Year's, but I may not do that either. 3s already spent his money on new hockey sticks. 2s bought a new pair of Sorrel snowboots. She gave her old ones to me because they had gotten so big and floppy on her. She had them for 10 years, and they are shades of dark green, maroon and navy blue. I can put them on quickly standing up to feed the kitties when the snow is deep.


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