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Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004 - 9:35 a.m.

Slow down-wheel pic

Just spent some time following links to some Christian (or at least religious) journals. It seems to me that lots of folks spend way too much time thinking and blaming their spiritual uplines. 'Flee youthful lusts' and 'pray without ceasing' could keep most of us too busy to get all tangled up in introspection.

I sure don't have any answer for all the horrible things parents, pastors, and Christian teachers heaped upon the people of my kids' generation. The awful warped ideas about sex seem to be the worst of the indictments. I guess we should have just gone back to the time when sexual sin was handled by stoning to death the guilty parties, or in the case of a priest's daughter, burning. Jesus handled that whole scene pretty well. Let them without sin cast the first stone. In the meantime, the elder still have the resposibility to train the younger. Hopefully, the Spirit is somewhere in that mix. If not, or if He is not wanted, let's just throw out the whole shebang and 'if it feels good, do it.'

Oh, I guess we are doing that, aren't we? Hey! how come it's not working? Seems to me, they must have been asking that same question back in the time of Judges, when every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

Do You ever get tired of pointing to the right place on the page, and saying, "Here's the answer. Read this part."?

This old wheel turned as long as it could,and then it just sat somewhere for a long time. Now it is useful again, jes' lookin' purty.


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