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Saturday, Sept. 11, 2004 - 11:08 a.m.

Windows Update 2

Another friend (Whoopie-ding! This worked again! Thanks, again, you know who you are)has mentioned the faulty memory glitz in folks of our age, so I am titling this entry what I just did to Baby here. Unfortunately, the glitz is booted up today and I can't quite remember what Windows wanted to call this update (Service Pack?) and I am too lazy to turn everything off and go searching, then come back here, and I wouldn't remember what to look for if I have trouble in the future and have to come back and make some changes, so I am just going to trust the entry title to jog my memory as to what I did when to where, and if there is a problem futurely, hope the 'skip-back' thingy, which I also can't remember the name of right now, is turned on. Oh my, things are going to get interesting as time progresses. That is probably the longest sentence I have ever written since I learned about run-on sentences. I have my first test in Geology and I really think I am going to remember about subduction, plate tectonics, rifts, etc. etc. etc? The worst thing about Geology is that I don't believe most of what I am learning right now (neither does the teacher, but he believes more than I do) so that hinders my type of learning. I am not a rote learner, or show-me person. I have to puzzle it out, and know where I am going before the whole thing comes together in a learned packet. That works very well in a cake recipe, or programming a VCR, but takes alot of time when Algebra, Chemistry, or calibrating salt analyzers is concerned.

This is Saturday, and the lawn needs mowed, Geology test needs a study guide written out, 3 book reports need done, and 4 Geography sections done, complete with maps, questions, videos, study guide and book read. Plus, 2 gals will probably call me for help in Algebra and Math 123.

Oh, well, all that keeps me from dwelling on my broken heart, which has healed slightly. While my Heartbreak has been going on, I have been recalling Mr. Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, who told his daughter not to worry about how bad he was feeling because of judgment errors which had bad family consequences because, even tho he deserved to feel badly, he would soon get over it. My, my, there is another longish sentence. I am getting good!

Le'see, what else of enormity has been happening to me. Not much, ain't life grand?


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