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Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 - 10:07 a.m.


I am getting a little political today. I don't know why. I had a marvelous breakfast of bacon and scrambled pancakes. Scrambled pancakes are a unique kdip family recipe invented by 800 (who now claims no knowledge of the invention and refuses to eat them) one morning when all the kids were young and we did not have enough eggs for everyone and did not have enough pancake mix for everyone. He beat up about 4 or 5 eggs and a cup of mix and some flour and cooked up the mix in the hot bacon grease of a big castiron frypan, stirring the mixture as it cooked just like making scrambled eggs. We put butter and syrup on it and it was delicious. I made it often over the years, but in later years as everyone left, it has become something I make for myself on occasion. I don't like to eat right after I get up and though I love breakfast menus, it is usually too soon to enjoy them at the beginning of the day and by the time it is time, I'm well into my day's activities. It is a good thing that's the way things are, or you could roll me out the door.

But even after licking the plate clean, I still felt political so I did somethng here. Recently I signed up on my Hotmail account for Opinion Alert, a group of articles of whatever right wing columnists have offered that day. It comes in every day and sometimes I read a few and sometimes I just delete the whole email day after day. The reason I signed up in the first place is that I like to read editiorials. Even if it is not my side, I like to read what the other side is saying. Unfortunately, even though we live in a conservative state, liberal editiorials are about the only things we see in the paper and are often the only ones I find as I surf the net. I was getting so tired of Molly Ivins and Maureen Dowd. I even checked out two of Ann Coulter's books to change the taste in my mouth. Anyway, to make a long story long, I decided to put the sign-up place for the conservative editorials right at the bottom of this journal. That's probably about as political as I am going to get this election year other than voting. Oh yeah, I do have a small Bush-Cheney bumper sticker that I might put next to the NRA bumper sticker. I was political once before.


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