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Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004 - 10:37 a.m.

Several (many) slices of French bread later-pics

I think all my creative juices are being used up in Geography and Children's LIT. Geography is fascinating, but there is a book, a study guide, and a video for each lesson and just sorting through all that is a bit overwhelming. I went in to take the first test yesterday, but it wasn't in the testing center. I'll go back today before Geology class, and hope I can still remember what the section is about. In the meantime, I have finished 2 more sections with 2 more quizzes. We only have one night to view a video with 2 sections on it and I took 2 vids out over the weekend. Hopefully, I shall get the hang of the tests quickly and not spend so much time worrying about what is expected.

I am preparing to capture the wild calico and take her to the vet. Her kitties are starting to move around now and I push their little noses into the canned milk I leave out each morning. Two are starting to like the taste. 2d suggested I capture Mommy in a towel as I put her into a box. Sounds like a good idea to me. That is how we always administered meds to the cats, and 2d has used the same methods to capture the other wild mommies. She will come and help if asked, but I am trying to help both of us become independent. She starts back into music lessons next week and her afternoons and evenings will be quite full.

She says if it makes me feel any better, she spends time sniveling, too. It doesn't make me feel better because I know an era I loved is over. But some other things I didn't love are over, also, and I am very grateful for that.

Things change and there is often no use looking back in sorrow. Keep the good memories and throw away the bad, or at least hide them way back in the cave. And then KEEP OUT!!

This kitty is either Becky or Cindy, a little fuzzy grey with calico on her nose and a few other places. I shall have to ask E which one it is. This not one of the days I can remember which one she named what.

Two of the 3 skunks came out to eat. They are so selfish, trying to cover up as much food as possible and push each other out of the way. If something else comes along, they stomp their little feet and wave their tails. So far, whenever they do that, everything backs off, including me.


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