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Friday, Aug. 27, 2004 - 9:24 a.m.


Whew! Glad I got that off my chest. For some reason, I can't get to Autumn Leaves. Been that way for 3 days now. I called my server yesterday and they tweaked stuff a little bit and then I could get there, but not this morning. I'll call again later. Overseas, specifically the UK, seems to be the trouble spot. Of course, that is the origin of some of the special places I visit, so I guess I will keep pushing.

Lots of firsts this week as far as school is concerned. I may list them when I finish another first this afternoon.

This journal is changing alot, it seems to me. It's turning into a listing of what I do each day. I guess my mind is needing that. I haven't had a deep thought in a long time, but then I never did have too many to write down here anyway. For those who suscribe to the 4 basic temperaments, Sanguine probably describes me pretty well--peppy, but shallow. I don't mean to be shallow and things that seem shallow to others don't seem shallow to me, but maybe that is why I am shallow.

Order is slowly coming in the house as a result of finishing the water project. Accumulations of stuff are also going. Some of it makes be feel guilty, as if I were not a wise steward, like throwing away lots of canning jars, quart and pint, with good screw-top lids on them. But they were full of thngs canned in the 80's and 90's and there is no one left to eat lots of the stuff even if it were still edible. Yes, I could have emptied each jar into a bucket, disposed of the contents out back, and washed the jars, then gave them to a charity or just away. But that is why they were still sitting around...waiting for me to do just that. Now they are all gone. Boxes of denim strips cut from worn out jeans were dumped, too. And there are some more of those boxes around. When I run on to them, I shall toss them. Yes, I could have sewn the strips together and used them to cover something. But why? I did that once. Covered whatever redneck couch I had on the deck. It faded, and tore, then I discarded it. Don't have a couch on the deck now, and I have lots of throws to cover one if I did have one. Too much stuff. That happens in 45 years of marriarge, 4 grown children, and yard sales. We have been in this place for 20 plus years without a move and 33 years without a move farther than 10 miles. I can remember when everything we owned for a family of 5 could be put in a 4 by 6 trailer. Not being a self yardsaler, I have never gotten rid of thngs on a regular basis. I just used it up. Unfortunately, lots of the stuff got used up enough not to be desired by anyone else.

I've read about the big city practice of putting discarded items on the curb and if someone gets to the curb before the garbage truck, it's theirs. That has been touted as the way to find some unexpected treasures. Sounds like a good idea on both ends to me.

What also sounds good to me is sliced French bread with dried tomato-basil crust filled with Kraft mayo, sliced tomatoes and romaine lettuce. Back later!!


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