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Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2004 - 3:34 p.m.

One for the money....

Here I am at the campus computer lab. I just printed out the syllabus and assignments for Children's Lit and am awaiting the start of the first geology class. I shall be here the rest of the afternoon.

Before I left, I fixed a green salad, some jello and some roast game birds for 800. I fixed a whole pan full of birds so there should be meat for his supper on the other 2 nights I am here in class. I am certainly glad I was able to stay here in the local campus for one more semester, instead of going to bigtown. Luckily one of the crucial Library Science classes which was formerly held Tuesday evenings in bigtown is being sent by microwave to this campus, and is on Friday so I can take my 4 credit Science with lab. I will be the only one in the microwave class and on a Friday, too, when this building clears out early. I hope I don't get scared.

Lots of chatter on the Discussion Board for Child Lit as everyone introduces themselves and lists their favorite reading as a child. So far I am the oldest, but not the least educated. One gal has asked what MLA format is. I knew that already last semester from teaching High School, but did have to find out what APA was(just another form of MLA).

It can be very intimidating to be the least formally educated in a classroom, but I have discovered that if one just keeps one's mouth shut, one can remain undiscovered!

One of the students in the Child Lit class is a shirt-tail relative that 2d babysat for fifteen years ago. She is 22 and has her Psych degree and is continuing on. Her dad was a local doctor in the public health field who was completing his schooling payback in our town. Her mom is a psychologist who has not practiced since having children. Doc's brother is married to one of 800's nieces and teaches at Western Seminary in Portland. At least he did. I seem to remember getting a Christmas letter reporting a career move to the Mid-West. Teach is a nice guy, but Doc has always been a little full of himself. It was probably a family thing since Mrs. Doc left money scattered around the house the first time 2d babysat for them, claiming the small girls had been playing store, but it was a sizable sum ($20 or more) and 2d had read about that trick being a way to test new babysitters and their honesty. 2d would never go to their house again to babysit. Instead, they would always bring the girls to us. Later they had twins who developed a rare cancer in the first year and died after much heartache for the family, transplants that failed, etc. 2d and t and j sang the song they had taken to Convention, 'Lord, I Want To Be Like You' at the babies' funeral. After that, the family moved up the valley and we have seen Mrs. Doc occasionally over the years in bigtown.


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