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Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004 - 11:09 a.m.


The Bible says that a fool will not receive instruction. That is certainly true. It is sad to see someone do something wrong over and over again and just never succeed just because one is too proud to admit to a fault. Youth always has this problem and only time cures it. Granted, some things are open to debate and someone else's opinion may not be the correct one, but refusing to admit and change very basic errors is a mark of immaturity. What eventually happens is either a life of total failure or a change of heart and attitude. "Oh, I am wrong. I think I need to learn the right way."

Wow, that is called 'repentance'! No wonder so many of us will end up in hell forever. We are all wrong in the beginning, we are born wrong. And only a change of heart and attitude can make us right. I have learned over the years that there are a few absolute truths that all originated from You and that those absolutes can apply in many situations. It is funny how a mental observation about a child's practicing numbers relates to our eternal future. I pray that the same attitude about making numbers the right way doesn't transfer to making a heart right. In the meantime, 'line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little'.

I need my laundry room again. The water there is completed but there are minor adjustments and finishings to take care of. I could easily do it myself, but the elephant is not only in the living room, it is jumping up and down on the sofa. Maybe I shall go to the laundromat. I did that for many, many years. It was the only place I could ever go by myself (if you count having all the kids along as being by myself). I always enjoyed those trips. The laundry got all done once and for all until the next time. I usually bought groceries too. What an adventure!

This morning 2d told me that as she watched our marriage, it seemed to her like there was only one parent and all the rest were kids. She is very astute. I have always known that I am really just the oldest child. That is the result of someone marrying someone else who is socially (or otherwise) inferior to themself. That inferior one can never be trusted to make as good decisions as the superior one can. I guess that is why I get taught how to sweep the floor correctly some winters.


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