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Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004 - 12:59 p.m.

Question of the Day

Why is it that folks who spew out venom on one side of the street, or else openly agree with such venom spewing, get their tails in a knot when the other side of the street gets treated? My only answer is that one side of the street must be expected to act better, and it is such a surprise when the worm turns. Of course it could be be the same attitude that was witnessed up north when crochety teachers reiterated how humble, kind and non-offended some should be, but had no trouble being non-humble, unkind, and easily offended themselves. Sure makes it easier on the low road takers, when the high road takers keep taking the high road. So sorry, ever once in a while I fall off the track.

On a completely different subject, we now have city water, $12 for the first 5000 gallons and so on. We'll see how that pencils out. The inspector came to look at all the joints and now as soon as the foam sets up in the hole in the foundation, we can start filling in holes.

2d has been busy every night moving stuff to her house. E is over here for the week and is helping her. I will miss 2d so much but I will not admit that to anyone but You. Can I crawl up on Your lap and get a hug once in a while? 2d has qualms about moving out too but I keep encouraging her. I know it will be for the best, especially right now. Maybe a day will come when things will be different, or maybe a day when she will want to be here again, but what ever comes, You are in charge.

2d is having the same hard time leaving this property that I would have. The seclusion in the midst of people, the trails to the river, the trees, and the wildlife. The cool lower levels and the green shade of the deck. All these things soothe my spirit...and hers. But she will carve out a new place. It is only a couple miles away, and not bad. Just different.


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