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Saturday, Aug. 07, 2004 - 2:10 p.m.

Empty nest

2d loaded her bunkbeds into her truck this morning and she and 800 are unloading them at her place now. She plans to sleep there tonite and has one or 2 truckloads left to take. Trixie will probably go with her tonite. I wonder which one I will miss most.

She has made me promise that 800 and I won't die or kill each other in the next year so she won't have to fee guilty for moving out. I will also miss all the videos, books and music she is taking with her. Neither of us are big TV watchers of the current offerings. Instead we collect what we call 'keepers', books and videos that we watch over and over and over. Our current taste in books is just enough different that we won't miss each others, but the videos are a different story. When I realized that 'Much Ado About Nothing' was going, along with 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility' I almost felt bereft. But I have 'The Postman','Last of the Mohicans', and her copy of 'League of Their Own'. Actually it will be something to look forward to, going to each other's collections and borrowing. We have made it a habit to always leave the cover with the owner, so the owner knows what to nag about. We started doing that when 1d moved out with her collection.

I know life will be much different. But life is much different already. When I worked, most nights 2d would come in and sit on my bed while I got ready. We would visit about what ever, and sometimes I would almost be late. That stopped the last little bit before I quit working. 800 is extremely possessive (or something) and we realized it was better not to visit when he was around. I will miss those talks. But my life has been different with classes, and her life will be different with more night taken up with students.

Lots of other little tension makers were occurring that just happen with some disabilities and I am glad they won't involve her. But poor Trixie will have to spend her days alone, now. Perhaps the resident yard cat over there, a large grey cay with 4 white boots, will be able to come inside for company. In the meantime, I have to start feeding our outside cats. Plus giving them scritches while they eat. They are mostly wild, but can be petted then. One newcomer, a calico with a little round face, has had kittens under the pile of metal fence posts. They must be capture and tamed and given away when big enough. I don't know yet what relations I will have with the little skunks yet.

Yesterday, I bought a large plastic container to fill with catfood and keep on the deck. 2d kept it in the garage, but managing a can of food, my walking stick and the garage door are a bit much. I also paid our electricity bill this month, something 2d has done ever since she has taken over a share of living expenses. I shall also have to get used to buying catfood, shampoo, conditioner and bubble bath. Doggone it, why can't life stay the same?

I am reading a fascinating book about Richard III. I have to get on the internet and look up the English succession. I get all confused with the Plantagenets, Lancastrians, and Tudors. I have often wondered about the Jean Plaidy books. They did not hold my attention when I tried them before but that was 15 or so years ago. Maybe I have matured since then. Or maybe I just had to wait for the obsession to mature.


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