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Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2004 - 8:50 p.m.

I see You!

I knew You were there. Things just got a little dark for a while. It reminds me of the song I sang in the 80's, "You Were There All The Time, Waiting patiently in line..."

I took s over to 1d's so I could go to class. D wasn't up yet, but when he woke and came down, he leaned close to me and kissed my cheek and said, 'love you', then did the same to his mom. He took me up to show me a memory bottle he had made to remind him of what he had passed through. It was colored black on the inside (maybe with marking pen) and, in with some other odds and ends, there was one of the metal crosses he had bought several months ago. He has such potential for You. Help him to set his face like a flint to follow You.

The Image Editing class is shedding little increments of knowledge on me. I am starting to tie in some of the imformation I know with some of the problems I have had with images. There is so much to learn in the directions I am going. Much like a big thicket ahead of me and sometimes I need a machete.


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