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Friday, Jul. 09, 2004 - 6:27 p.m.

Yoo-hoo. Anybody in there?

I think I am getting a little drifty. I used to be very good at multi-tasking but no more. Up and down the stairs over and over when I use to do many things each trip. Just what my bad knees want! I quit taking the pectin for a week then took it today. Relief in hours. Is it the pectin or the weather? I just feel alot more limber. I have also ridden the 3 wheeled bike more. Maybe I shall go every night.

1d and d are having trouble getting along right now. With her illness and his age, I am sure it won't be the last time. It got so bad yesterday that I fixed up the bunk end of the room just in case. It would do him good to live off and on with his dad or 800. Only men know how to make men.

2d has found a place to rent. I have been staying out of it. It will hurt so much when she goes, but I don't want to show that to her at all. It is hard to show a cheerful face when your heart is hurting, and this time makes an excellent diet. You know all about these things about my chicks and I give them all to You. It's probably time to stir up my nest too. What will be next?

800 is slowly but surely making progress on the water project but it looks worse than ever now. Really angry moles--lots of them. He rented a bigger backhoe because the little one was gone for a week, and in the process, broke the downstairs bathroom window, crushed my dryer vent hood, dug through one of the septic pipes and tore loose an electric wire we thought went to the well, but was just an old sprinkler system connection. I was SOOOOOOOOO mad, but I didn't say a thing. It was very very hard to be quiet, but I made it. I didn't smile and joke like last month when he dug up the phone line, tho. And later, when the tension was low, I mentioned that if we had to we could always get a business in to hook up the water. The main problem is that he is trying to do too many things at once; water to the house, electricity to the low pressure tank, water lines from the well to the other side of the shop. When he was young and healthy, he could have done it all easily, but things have changed and we just have to admit we can't do all the things we used to. But along with that admission, we realize we can do new things, so we are not worthless.

I'll bet it is hard to be an alpha male and grow old. When the top dawg finds it hard to get off the porch, every one is stunned, including the dawg.

I took some super pics (super subjects, anyway) with the digicam. I hope they turn out. I'll take them to class anyway, along with some old ones I scanned. I bought a 256 MB flash storage thingy. It should hold enough pics to work with. It was only $37 at Costco. I had already got a 128 MB at Walmart for $35 that WIA will pay for. I'll use it for written work and the other for images. One class has already shown me what some of my mistakes were. I look forward to the rest of them.

The first step of my move to the ocean is done. I found a 4 CD set of ocean sounds that also has mountain streams and storms. Only $12. Now for some poster windows and a sprinkler on the side of the house. I wonder if they sell a room spray that smells like seaweed and mold? I should change my bedroom color scheme from dark reds and greens to whites and pale yellows. No more heavy dark red drapes either, I shall need light airy frothy ones that blow in the breeze--- and wicker!


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