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Monday, Jul. 05, 2004 - 2:22 p.m.

More 4th

It has been hard to know when the Fourth of July is this year. All the towns around us have had separate days for different things. Last night was the ususal fireworks. The wind was blowing and for the first time ever an ember from across the river dropped on the lawn and stayed red for a minute or two. 1d brought lots of snacks, cantaloupe, watermelon, pop, chips and a seven layer bean dip she had made. D had gone jet-skiing with one of the young Chinese fellows and his little boy. d is having some teen trouble that hopefully You and he can sort out soon. There is not much I can do about it at this time but ask You to protect him and set his face like a flint to follow you. "Whatever it takes---."

2d has taken the horse-trailer and 3 horses to the mountains along with 2 m girls. There is the big annual parade around the square. k is co-captain of the drill team and s is carrying one of the rodeo flags. 1s and kids may have gone, but I told them if they wanted to wait for town's parade in August, I would fund the parade, carnival and fair day.

Tomorrow I start an Image Editing class and I need to get moving on the Psychology assignments. Three open book tests, 20 articles to comment on and a 5 page paper on the subject of my choice are due by the 21 of July. I am thinking of doing the paper on birth order. That would be a nice noncommittal topic to write on. I'll try to remember to do some searches at the campus tomorrow and use my allotment of paper and ink.


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