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Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004 - 1:24 p.m.

Back and forth

One day it is so hot at bedtime, I open the window and turn on the ceiling fan, the next night I am so chilly after supper that I go to bed at 6:30 with flannel nightie and socks! It is chilly again today in the house but plenty warm outside.

I did get my Music Appreciation class cancelled. Now to get the paperwork done. That makes only once a week that I have to go to class, the other class is on the internet, or at home. I feel like I am not doing anything, but I guess I will continue to enjoy a laid-back summer. I think I will have several plant people calling me about their Algebra class. One called this am for about 2 hours, but just wanted to visit,too. She trained me in the raw lab and was so patient with my note taking that I figure it is payback time now, and am glad to get the chance.

I have been fortunate in my life to run into folks who shared knowledge ungrudgingly with me. Of course, I have met a few of the other kind, also.Both kinds are an encouragement to give graciously. You told us to give what was in our hand. Sometimes there is not very much in my hand, but often just being able to talk it out helps. I need to find some help with images, scans, and email images. This subject continues to keep me snookered. 2 steps forward and 1 step back. This may be a good time to get back into the HP lessons. I only have 2 more big bills to pay this summer, the pickup insurance and the second half of property tax, then I can work on getting a pile saved up for the fall insurance, Christmas and tax time. Thank You for keeping the car running.


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