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Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 - 3:55 p.m.

More than great--pics

The past week was one of the best ones I have ever had. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing wildly exciting. Not perfect, just kind days. You are so good to me. Should I be suspicious? Is this a time to strengthen my inner man to prepare for some trial to come? I'll try to live in the moment. 'This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.'

I did alot of yard work. Even mowed the lawn for the first time (800 has done it the other times) It cost me $80 and was well worth the price. I got too close to the well housing and slashed a rear tire. I have mowed around it for 22 years, but with the trench dug, I did not do my usual pattern. 800 bought a new tire and got me running again. I did some weeding and he put the low pressure water on. My roses are the prettiest they have ever been. I have put MiracleGro on them and it works. Some are as big as saucers. I wish I could get a clearer picture up close with them but the cheap cam only does well at about 4 feet. Close up blurs out on the light colors.

Later 2d and I took a little rollaway out to littletown for e. 2d, e and d played jumprope while I did a chant for them. 'Not last night but the night before, 24 robbers came knocking at my door---.' That's the only one I could remember at the moment. Just imagine a 29 year old, a novice 5 year old, and a 6 ft. 2 teen boy all jumping rope while a 63 year old does the chant! And in a front yard! Then we continued out to 2s's place to feed the horses (9) then to the river walk. There was a tulip tree there. I have read about them, in fact a female mystery writer titled one of her books, The Tulip Tree. The blossoms look just like tulips except mostly green.

Then we went down to the docks and I found a nice piece of drift wood for the yard. Tonite after church, I might ride my trike up there.


EE's devotional

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