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Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 - 7:33 p.m.

Maybe----pics with directions

I just downloaded something called Advanced Batch Converter for a trial. I need to make my images smaller to put them in this journal and I also need to change the bmp that my cheap digicam takes into jpg. This new thing is supposed to work. So here goes.

Did it work?--------YES, IT DID!!!!!!!! Now if I can just do it again, and again and again

WHOOPIE-DING!! I am SO GOOD! OK, so I did it again, now I have to remember how to do it again, and again, and again, day after day. I feel like the little engine that could. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. After all the blood, sweat and tears, I finally did it. Here is the procedure. Go to Advanced Batch Converter shortcut on the desktop, open it up, go to File, Open, find a picture in My Pictures or where ever, pick one, change its name to something I can remember, convert it to jpg, Save it for the web as JPEG(I may be able to skip the converting part,[nope, just tried it]but if I ever want to use that pic again, I'll have to change it)go to Upload images on my profile page, Browse and find the converted pic and Upload it, then copy the HTML and do my thing with the journal. I need to convert all my pictures to jpg but Saving them to the web makes them little enough for diaryland to accept which has been my biggest problem. This may be the solution for a while, at least til I find out how to do it the correct way. Now I just need to find a quick way to make paragraph breaks when I edit the journal. I did figure out that I could copy the paragraph HTML and then punch it in but surely there is a quicker way! See, just never satisfied, am I?

I pasted 3 copies of the paragraph HTMLs here just in case I needed them. These three pictures were pretty scruffy but if they work, any of the rest will, so I am pleased. I sure envy the folks that I visit in cyberland that do this so effortlessly. I am hoping that each little increment that I learn about this process will bring the time closer when I can complete Mamma's album project. A good digicam with a zoom is probably going on the want list, but can stay on that list for a long time. I never have liked taking pictures very much but putting them on this journal has changed my mind a bit. I owe Kidneygurl some big thanks for this, I think.


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