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Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 - 9:41 a.m.


The Wondering Jew lost his boy yesterday. That's not exactly correct, because You know just where Rob is, but we who remain feel the loss and find it hard to locate the one we love, even though we may know what You know. My cyber friend is very tender of his wife's feelings in this. I think he grasps something alot of husbands miss when a child dies. Dads tend to be realists. They see the future consequences of a terminal illness, and want only the best, but we moms are selfish. We will take our children anyway we can get them, regardless of the consequences. I know in my mind some of the consequences that 1d would have endured if he had lived. I know and I don't care with part of my brain. Whatever had to be endured, would have been endured, hopefully with a cheerful spirit. You know what can be borne, and You have the far outlook. Thank You for making the choices we cannot. And thank You for the strength You give us. It is not ours, it is all from You.


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