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Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 9:55 a.m.

Another Great Day

Well, actually just a moderately great day, but just the kind I like. The grand girls are staying here in the daytime, whenever they don't have anything else scheduled. k is babysitting so she leaves about 9, and s is asleep down here. They and 2s will probably go camping on his days off, but in the meantime, we just hang out.

1d and kids came over last night. I hadn't talked to her for about 2 weeks, the longest time we have ever gone, but I felt she needed some space so I just backed off until she was ready and we had a good time. They are moving into subsidized housing in three weeks. Her ss hearing won't be for several monthsand she figured that I and big brother wouldn't keep paying $400 rent in littletown. Actually, I would have paid it as long as I could if it were better for the kids to go to school there, but I think town will be OK. Gas is so high for her to go back and forth from littletown so this will be better and I won't have to go all the way out there when they need to go somewhere. When she finally gives up her license, she will be in a place where she can get to stores, library, church and schools by walking. What could be better? They all are excited about the move. The apartment is a nice one in a quiet part of town, halfway between the 2 schools e will go to for the next few years. It only has 2 bedrooms and no room for her washer and dryer, but there are laundry facilities there. The bedrooms and bath are upstairs, living room and kitchen down, a little patio and backyard with play equipment. Sounds great to me!!

The only bad thing was all the yard and garden work she and d had done this spring. A little garden and flower plot is all planted and d did some pretty impressive landscaping, but that will leave a good impression in the neighborhood.

The move will also remove them from some less than desirable connections that had been established there that I was worrrying about but hadn't mentioned. Thank You. e loves to go to Fairytale park and now they can go often. Walking will be good for 1d, she has lost a lot of weight already, and the excercise will be good for her diabetes. Just all around, I am happy for them.

None of us was looking forward to all living together in this house, at least right now. I think she can maintain her own home for a lot longer now as her brain loss continues. She will be withing walking distances to the services she will need in the future, too.

I probably need to get into the best shape I can be in for the time to come. Taking care of both 1d and 800 as their conditions worsen will not be a picnic and I sure don't want to leave it all on 2d's shoulders and come to be with You. However, if we all come together, that will be super!!


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