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Saturday, May. 29, 2004 - 9:39 a.m.

Carpe Diem and pic

The sun is shining. Thunderstorms have come along all week, some of them spectacular. It rained last night and everything is fresh. I can walk around the yard. All my children are Ok. My bills are paid. Those things that may grow into concerns are not that way this morning.

Thursday evening was one of the worst (best) storms we've had since 1988. Rain was blowing off the roofs in sheets. A tree in a nearby pasture lost a big branch. I wrapped up in my warm soft blankie and sat on the deck while it lasted. There were even severe thunderstorm warnings on the TV but I felt warm and protected. For a while the thunder above us was continuous altho I didn't see any lightning flashes at that time. Little birds roosted in the branches of the tree next to the deck, and periodically shook the water from their feathers. Tyrone came from where-ever he had taken shelter and sat beside me while we watched the storm. He is such an old sweetie even if he has some annoying habits. Actually he had only one bad habit, spraying everything he can. If all the wild toms were not out in back, perhaps he would stop. Being neutered did not stop him from spraying. He is very loving and protective and I know that is only his instinctual way of saying "this is mine, back off". So we take what we can get. Our relationship is confined to the outdoors.

I went to town yesterday to cash my TAA checks and get free checks for the phone repair and COBRA. I can have 3 a month and it was the last day to purchase them for May. I can buy unlimited Money orders for 50 cents at the credit union or 25 cents at grocery stores. I had forgotten about the 3 free checks from the credit union. 3 is just about what I would need in a usual month so I must remember to avail myself of them. I then went over to Walmart to buy a new nonstick frying pan. Each time the last years I have bought a higher priced one. This year it is Farberware, but there were 3 in the set. We'll see how they do. I offered the 2 old ones for outdoor animal feed pans, but 2d quickly snatched them up to put with her moving out stuff. She has her sights set on before her 30th birthday which is late in June. I just have to trust she will make wise decisions. She says alot is just pride as she knows she has it very good still living at home, but I know it would be very satisfying to her in many ways to have her own place. Neither of us can make very many decisions of our own, not even what kind of flowers to plant or where, what kind of decorating of any thing, and sometimes where and with whom to do something. I willingly chose this servitude, even if unknowingly. She as an adult did not, but she chooses for now to submit to it. I try to allow her as much space as possible, but even so, if we go into a store together, it is I who choose what to buy, what brand, and how big. I understand, but I will miss her. I have to keep telling myself how much I would regret her being trapped here, if something should happen to one of the parents. She would feel obligated to stay, and I don't want that to happen to her unless it were her free choice.

This is k and Diamond. She is in rodeo club this year and getting better.


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