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Sunday, May. 16, 2004 - 2:40 p.m.

What a relief! pics

This semester is finally over. I got all A's, but some are more A than others. I can't believe I got an A in Eng Comp 2 after such a bad start. One thing I found out this semester is that I am no longer a good test taker. If I don't already know the material, no amount of last minute study helps. The memory just does not release things stuffed in quickly.

I am only taking 7 credits for the summer semester. Those classes only last 7 weeks and are very intense.

I also found out something else very important. If I want to add some pics, I have to finish this journal entry then come back to edit it with inserting the pics. Twice now I have written long involved epistles only to see them disappear forever because I tried to upload an image before making sure the entry is concluded. I want to add these two pics of a truly great President. The President visited this soldier at a hospital and told him to come jog with him when the soldier was able. What an incentive! The girl's mom was killed on 9-11. This man feels the pain of his people in a way few public officials have ever done.


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