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Monday, May. 17, 2004 - 10:35 a.m.

A new week

Just like Your mercies, my days are new every morning. I have nothing special planned for this week. Some more intensive cleaning, a trip to the library, a tour at my desk figuring out what big bills are due, and apportioning out my little dab as far as it will go for now.

1d's personality is getting more and more volatile. I am not sure if it is the brain cell death causing it or just a lack of control. You have given us a sound mind, and the times I have felt like losing control, I have just held on tight to You, but I may not even know the depths of what others go through. 800 has the same lack of control in what he says as 1d is demonstrating. One has to walk on eggshells all the time, and even that doesn't always work. I hate to lay things out in public that are only family business, but that doesn't bother either of them anymore. If they feel like saying something, they do. 'Nuf said.

It is lovely and green here along the river. But that won't last long. The recent rains and some timely irrigation makes everything fresh, but the hot days are coming. We are hooking up to the city water this week. The main has already been put into my iris and hen-and-chick bed at the corner of the place. Hens and chicks scattered all over the place, but I have a big batch at the corner of the shop, and if they do not recover out at the road, I will move some things. It will cost $770 on the next water bill for the city's part, and we will have to rent a backhoe and dig a trench to the house, lay some pipe, tear out the pressure tank, dig more trench to the back of the shop, reinstall the pressure tank, and hook up the city water to the house. It will be about $30 to $50 a month extra on the water and garbage bill, and we have to sign a paper saying if they ever want to annex our part of the country into the little town, we won't fight it. We are the only ones around us who didn't dig a really deep well, and we were preparing to do that, but finding water that is good is sometimes chancy. most of the water around us including our 60 ft well is very hard. It tastes good to me and 2d but the rest of the family doesn't like it. I especially like the cost of it. But it is running low, so we must make other plans.

I don't worry too much about getting annexed into the town. We are far enough out with several places of bareness between so there will probably be others parts to take in before it ever gets to us. About 10 places up the river are very enticing to the town because of their value and being right on the river's banks, but all those folk will fight rather than be annexed so our non-refusal won't matter much in the grand scheme of things.


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