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Thursday, Apr. 22, 2004 - 9:08 a.m.

Wha- - - -????

I wrote a riveting account of my school week, accompanied by some rhapsodic musings on the rainy weather but it all disappeared when I tried to upload an image too. Wa-a-a-a-h-h-

Oh, well, this is the end of another school week and I have no gut-wrenching assignments to turn in or perform this afternoon. I have to make corrections to my first draft of Flatland and turn it in, but that will only take a few minutes in the Word document since I have already completed them all in pencil. Teacher's comments were favorable so I am hoping for a better grade, if I have corrected it in a way that fulfils her expectations. I went from a C to a B+ on my essays, and I would so like to get an A on this one. I have a 'good thesis and clear organization' and received several 'good' comments scattered through the pages. Most of the comments dealt with needing more explanation which is definitely the case if one is not familiar with Flatland. She had not finished marking my paper, but had saved it to the last, which seems to indicate she was not expecting a lot of structural defects, but that may just be wishful thinking. I know one thing, I have worked harder on my writing than I ever have before. My usual practice is to write it, look it over for obvious errors and forget it. Rewriting has definitely never been a part of the plan.


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