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Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004 - 12:09 p.m.

Spring Unbreak

I am still plugging along. Finished all by Math homework and the bonuses. except for one that is tied in to one of the BIG bonuses, which I can use for an English assignment too. Also finished one of the BIG bonuses. I have worked alot on another BIGGIE about reconstructing the Great Pyramid in England in 10 years for 10 million dollars. Can't be done. Not for the price. Need too many more trucks, making the payroll too big. I thought maybe my figures had a basic mistake somewhere, but my start was just fine. The real pyramid was huge,taking some 2 and a half million blocks to complete. It took 20 years, Herodotus thought. With no trucks and no roads, they must have had a huge crew. Some thought 12 thousand men altho that can't be proved. It was a colossal task any way you look at it. The other Math BIGGIES are figuring the cost and supplies for a sprinkling system with curbs, sidewalks and other accessories, and the supplies needed to roof a house with concrete tiles. I may try the roofing one if I have time.

The very biggest assignment due the earliest is the Historical speech in speech class. I had planned to give it on the blow up of Mount St. Helen's and then changed to the horses of Abaco. Now I think I will go back to the eruption and save the horse situation for the Persuasive speech instead of organ transplants. My four page English paper on evaluating a satire is looming too.

And right in the middle of everything is the fact that our pastor is leaving tomorrow. I don't feel bad about that. I just hate to say goodbyes. I liked him and his family and know he was Your man for the time, but he's leaving and it is time to move on. I am so shallow. So many people have come and gone in my life that I just avoid thinking about it. Losing a child may have something to do my my feelings about the whole departure issue. Once you have survived that, all other departures don't have much consequence.

A surprising news note about volcanoes. The bubble under the big lake at Yellowstone is growing. Lots of interest among experts. Sounds like what happened before St. Helens. It wouldn't reach here unless a chain reaction was set off. OOOO scary thought.


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