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Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2004 - 8:02 a.m.


I am fooling around here instead of tending to business!!! I have 3 papers to write, one is due this afternoon and 2 due tomorrow plus a midterm exam of 100 questions, plus someone to tutor this afternoon about the sine, cosine, and tangent problems in our math class, and I am fooling around here!! I must be insane. Well, I already knew that. And in defense of myself, I did stay up until 4:10 in the morning the other day figuring out the math for myself. I thought for a few minutes that it had me whipped, but the bulldawg just kept her teeth clenched tight and math happened. About half the problem was that the light was so poor at my desk that my scientific calculator kept messing up. When using the SIN, COS, and TAN buttons who would know? But I could tell something was wrong because I couldn't get the same answers on some that I knew the answers to. I finally figured out enough of the whole procedure that I don't have to do all three. Yippee! That is more than I did when I was teaching it. But, of course, obsessive compulsive that her is, she had to do all three anyway. I helped a bact gal for 5 hours yesterday with 090 math and we conquered common denominators, GCF and LCF, plus the basics of solving for x. Then MR came through needing the answer to what witch was squished by the house in Wizard of OZ, and asking for help on the trig questions today. Monday night, the BLB came iinto the house and downstairs to get help on the same stuff. I am so wonderful!!

You know how little I mean the last sentence, Father. Thank You for putting new challenges in front of me and new opportunities for me to see how much I need You. Thank You especially for helping me to understand SIN COS and TAN this week. I sure need some help, or some direction in the English.


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