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Saturday, Mar. 13, 2004 - 11:28 a.m.

Life in general

A little update of my week, since I don't have the time or the want-to to do this every day. 800 went to the doc and found his blood sugar was way up-type 2 diabetes, so we are on a diet again. At least he is. He has been buying cookies at the dollar store and juice at Walmart all winter. Having never been a big sweet eater and never eating between meals, that should have given us the first clue. We'll know even more when the health fair blood results come back.

I still have solid A+ in all my classes except Eng Comp 2 where I received two more points after my total revision for a 79 which is a C+. That's just what I deserved, too, because after I had revised it and added all the stuff teacher wanted, the whole thing stunk. Got much the same type of comment on the first copy of the misapprension essay. I'll see Thursday if this rewrite has improved anything. I just can't figure out what is wanted. It is not a creative writing class, it is an essay writing class and as such, must have some sort of structural rules that I am missing. I have had no corrections on grammar, punctuation, sentence structure or anything of that nature, just content. The next essay will be even more interesting. It is evaluating satire. The first example we were given was something from the Onion website dealing with Harry Potter, children, Satanism and oral sex. We have to go to that website and get another story and evaluate. I am sure not going there from my computer and I am going to ask permission before going there from the campus computers. My Copyright classbook had mention of an instructor getting fired for going to questionable sites. I was told before taking this class that the teacher was the least offensive about requiring reading from the book of some of the rawer essays, so I don't know if transferring to another class would help. Out of the frying pan into the fire. O well. I have 18 credits this semester and could drop the class. I have 3 credits that I just bought because I scored out of the Eng comp1 class. Maybe there is another route to go. I shall explore, and if not, just hunker down. It will be good for my ego, and also put a big damper on obsessing about getting good grades. I do not seem to be able to do any thing possible about the situation, so I will have to stop making that a concern.

Is this another lesson, Father? This is the one I really want to get a good grade in, isn't it?


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