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Saturday, Mar. 06, 2004 - 1:00 p.m.

Doctor! Doctor!

800 and I went to the Health Fair this morning. Couldn't for 12 hours. That is a real hardship for him since he get up early and eats a big breakfast so he won't shake so bad. He hasn;t had any blood work done for about 30 years. Except for the shaking, he is in really good health, altho he knows he's going to kick the bucket really early. Now I am just the opposite. I have taken BP pills 5 or 6 years now, and have had bad enough knee problems for operations (but that was because of falls) and I am sure I am going to live a long long time yet. Introvert extrovert, optimist pessimist, tall short, blond brunette, male female, Irish German, we are about as opposite as 2 people could ever be.

There were sure alot of old people at the Health Fair. And we knew a bunch of them.

I start a new Library class Monday. It is on the Internet and is about copyright laws. I hope I can keep up. I will have 18 credits for this semester if I pass everything. That will make 27 all together which is almost halfway. Maybe I'll make it after all. I won't have anymore Math or English, just sciences and humanities and the rest of the Library program. I love the Internet courses. I would like to find a job where I just sit and fiddle around on the computer all day.


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